Thursday, October 11, 2007

618 Rants and Raves: Pet Blogging

Joey reminds me of my Floyd.


Mr. 618 said...

Joey was sitting on our air conditioner last year when we returned from vacation. He and Mrs 618 cuddled on the porch all night. This past fall, Bailey showed up. Took a while for him to trust us,so I set up a boxon the porch, padded with some old towels. I caught him at the beginning of a bad cold snap and brought him in so he wouldn't freeze. This morning -- with the temp around 40 -- I offered to let him out. His response? "You GOT to be kidding, it's COLD out there." I guess "three hots and a cot" beat the joys of feralhood.

And thank you for the link! The 'pooter at my desk blocks Blogger, but when I get a shot at another box here, I'll add you to my roll.

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.