Monday, February 5, 2007

King of the Jungle

I added a couple more pics to Bil's latest webpage.

The Lion King and his dominion.

I'd take more pictures, but my little vivatar doesn't have a flash and the sunlight has to be just right to get anything decent out of it. The indoor ones do have a slight sepia effect, which I like. Kind of gives them a style all their own with just a minimum of tweaking in the photo editor.

Just now Boo and Bil are having their morning wrestle and some shots might turn out but I haven't picked up around here yet--they're very messy, toys and cushions all over, chewies, rugs upturned, etc. And I fell asleep on the couch watching foreign films last night so the blankets are still all askew.

Nope, no picture making till we get straightened up around here. LOL

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Bilbo and the Arrowheads

New Bilbo page as he posed pretty this morning in some good strong sunlight.

Bilbo and the Arrowheads

Uncle Johnny and Aunt Mary Lu brought us this wall hanging on one of their summertime trips to visit us from California when we were kids. I'm not sure if he found it in California, somewhere along the way, or if they made it themselves from artifacts found on one of their own many summertime excursions around the country. It's possible that they may have collected them and had them mounted. It's nice enough to belong in a museum.